God knew this when he started by planting a dream in the mind of Abraham, he said " i will give this land to your offspring" Gen 12:7. The dream of attaining leadership was also planted in Joseph, in no time at all, these men started living their dreams.
How To Create A Dream
Only few people have the privilege of been given a dream (or vision) directly by God. It is therefore our responsibility to create one by ourselves, after all, bible says "ye are gods", gods are meant to be creative and infinite. The whole world is at your beck and call, its all yours, you have a "blank cheque" to become whatever you want, by;
1. Carrying out a self appraisal, look into yourself, identify your likes, preferences and strength. Funnily enough you could consciously develop love for something and turn it into a dream.
2. Start developing, first by writing it out, thinking about it and start doing things that will bring about improvements in line with the attainment of your dreams.
At this stage you have a dream in your hands which should dictate how you live the remainder of your life. In fact if I see you misbehaving, I conclude that you don't have a dream or you simply have a bad dream. At the early stages, dreams are fragile, they are like soap bubbles floating towards jagged rocks on a windy day.

Thomas Edison dreamed of producing light from electricity, he invented the incandescent lamp. John F. Kennedy dreamed of having a man on the moon, 8 years later Apollo II was launched and landed Neil Armstrong, Edwin E. Aldrin Jr and Michael Allen Collins on the moon. Martin Luther King Jr dreamed of racial equality in America, this dream is believed to be fully achieved when Barack Obama was elected president of the United States.

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