According as his divine power hath given us all things that pertains to life and godliness ...2Pet1:3. If you asked me, this is one of the most inspirational statements made in the bible. What God is simply trying to say is, child, this is your bag of tools, that is cement and sand, make concrete, those are iron rods, I have made blocks available, just go ahead and start building, if you need any other material, I will provide them for you. Wow! Everything you need for your reality is in your ability!
Many people complain about their lives, they say, why was I born in this house, why wasn't I born in Europe or America (I must confess I once thought this way). I see people blame the government for their woes. If only they knew that all they would ever need is within them. It is time to stop giving excuses, it is time to rise up and start building the life of your choice. History is saturated with people who grew up facing adversity and yet still built a great life despite all odds going against them. I'll like to mention a few;
Albert Eintein was termed a dullard, unteachable (not different from a person suffering from Down's syndrome), yet we all know him as one of the greatest scientist of our time. His quantum theory is still relevant today.

Glen Cunningham was an American Athlete in the 1930s. When he was eight, he got involved in a fire accident which took his elder brother and severely burnt his legs. Doctors tried to amputate his legs but he wouldn't let them, so the doctors concluded he would never be able to walk normally. A man of faith and positive attitude, he soon using those legs to run.
In the 1932 Olympics he took 4th place in the 1500 m, and in the 1936 Berlin Olympics, he took silver in the 1500 meters.In 1934, he set the world record for the mile run at 4:06.8, which stood for three years.In 1936, he set the world record in the 800 m run.In 1938, he set a world record in the indoor mile run of 4:04.4. He retired from competition in 1940. (Roger Bannister was the first to break the four-minute mile, in 1954.).
Booker T Washington, an African- American born during the time slave trade was still in vogue, he became one of the leading voice of former slaves and their descendants who were oppressed and disenfranchised. He gave speeches and became nationally famous. He became adviser to the presidents of the US between 1890 and 1915.
Every one has the power to build a great life, no matter what you may be facing presently. All the materials needed are available. There is only one problem. That problem is you! We seek help, fortunately, the only help we can get is at the end of our own arm. We are too lazy and impatient to build a great life, instead we run after wealth. Lets kill the demon called laziness and impatience. Lets start now, whether you are a student, a youth or middle aged, though no one can go back and make a brand new start, you can start now and make a brand new ending.